Visual Assessment

A visual assessment of any proposed development site can take many forms depending upon the type and scale of the project, the site’s individual landscape and constraints and the locality of the site.  It can be a simple viewshed analysis (from what locations can this site be seen and what locations can be seen from the site) or a more complex methodology of establishing visual catchments, determining visual qualities of the landscape (landform, landcover, backdrop, distinctive features), assigning visual values, determining visual sensitivities (viewer types and frequencies), assessing the overall visual impact and making associated recommendations. Any Visual assessment we do will be made up of a blend of these assessment types. Sometimes all may be employed and determining the methodology of the visual asessment is of course site specific.

Some examples of visual assessments undertaken by design team ink include:

  • Byron Bay CBD Bypass
  • North Byron Parklands Festival Site, Yelgun
  • Proposed Quarry Expansion and future mixed use education and recreation facility, Lennox Head
  • Proposed Residential Subdivision, Lennox Head
  • Concrete Batching Plant Expansion, Grafton
  • Proposed Urban Expansion Area, Trinity Drive, Lismore
  • Proposed Quarry at Uralba
Services - Visual assessment